Debunking the Cholesterol Myth with Dr. David Diamond // KetoKademy®
The message is not to fear cholesterol, the message is to fear sugar. Dr. David Diamond knows firsthand the TRUTH about eating a ketogenic based diet. Debunking what you have always been told, this doctor is not afraid to stand up and speak the truth when it comes to saturated fats, cholesterol, and the benefits of adopting a ketogenic lifestyle!
Hear MORE from Dr. David Diamond at KetoKademy® September 20, 2018 in Dallas, TX!
Tickets are available NOW:
Learn more about KetoKademy + MORE by visiting:

Keto LifeJourney to BetterPure Therapeutic Ketones®Ketone Conversation™Bio HackKeto FitKetogenicPruvitDr. Ryan Lowery
Radline Explained by Ketone Expert Dr. Ryan Lowery
RADLINE is a groundbreaking technology only available at Prüvit.
Dr. Ryan P. Lowery is the CEO of, author of The Ketogenic Bible, President of the Applied Science and Performance Institute and KetoPhD™.
His mission is to spread awareness around the Ketogenic Lifestyle and its’ many benefits beyond body composition. He earned his BS and MS in exercise physiology and exercise and nutrition science from the University of Tampa and completed his doctorate work at Concordia University in Health and Human Performance with a focus on “The Effects of a Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet and Exogenous Ketone Supplementation on Various Markers of Health and Body Composition in Healthy and Diseased Populations.” Over his career, Ryan has published over 150 papers, abstracts, and book chapters on human performance and sports nutrition and has dedicated his life to educating the masses.

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